Ears To Hear
Our opinion of the word of God will determine what we are able to receive from God. God does nothing except through His word. When we esteem His word highly we will demonstrate this by spending time in His word not just reading it but meditating on it. We will have the goal of understanding through His revelation and acting on what we understand. We will become doers of the word of God and not hearers only. Doers of the word of God are the ones who are blessed. Many times we allow our understanding and theology to dictate how we comprehend the word of God. We read into the word of God what we want it to say. Because we have not seen in our experience what is in the word we think that what the word says does not apply to us or to today. God's word will produce everything that it says it will produce in our lives. When we take God's word seriously all the time the we will reap the fruit of the word. What measure do you give the word of God in your life?
“And he said to them, "Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you. For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away."”
Mark 4:24-25 ESV