August 20, 2017
Jesus' success was that He only did what He saw His Father doing and He only said what He heard His Father say. If we are to do the works of Jesus we must opperate the same way. We have to say only what we hear our Father say and do what we see our Father do. In order to do this we must first hear from God and then be obedient. Both of these require that we be yielded to God. If we are not yielded then our own ambitions and desires will keep us from hearing from God and will keep us from obeying.
When we pray in the Spirit we are yielding to God. We pray as the Spirit gives the words to pray and we then must speak out in faith that we are speaking a language given to us by the Spirit and not some gibberish that we made up. The more time we spend praying in tongues the more practice we have at hearing from the Father and yielding to His Spirit. This is one of the benefits of praying in Tongues. It is the door way to the rest of the gifts of the Spirit because to operate in the gifts of the Spirit we must hear from the Spirit and yield to Him. When we know that it is the Spirit leading us then it is easier to yield to Him. We know His voice because we spend time talking and listening to Him, with tongues and with our understanding.
“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”
Acts 2:4 KJV