In Response

 August 19, 2017


        All of our salvation is a response to what God did.  We do not do anything to get or keep our salvation except accept what Jesus did. Our good works flow out of what God did and has done in our lives.  So our worship is also a response to what Jesus did and who He is. We  do not initiate worship but we respond.  We. Start by responding to what the Word of God says is already ours by praising Him for what He has done. Then the greatest worship comes from meditating on what the word says about our salvation and about our God. Many times people who are trying to worship God put on a big show to try to impress God and the people around them. This makes worship a work and not a response to His love.  If we are the ones initiating worship or even simply declaring how much we love God we can get in the place where we are taking credit for our worship. We can actually end up stealing some of His glory. God will not share His glory with anyone so taking some of His glorIy will land us in big trouble. If our expression of our love for Him comes from a response to His love for us then that is good, but if it comes from us trying to impress God and those around us by our expressed love for God then we set ourselves up for a failure because we cannot mantain our love for Him apart from our understanding of His love for us.  If we worship because it makes us spiritual then once again our focus is wrong. Our worship is simply a response to His amazing love for us as demonstrated in our salvation and our acknowledging who He is. 

        “And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:” ‭Colossians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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