Our Way is Not Within Our Natural Thinking

 August 25, 2017


        “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” ‭Jeremiah‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Many are walking in their own understanding or the teachings of another that are not in line with scripture.  Many walk by their emotions and then wonder why they get themselves in messes in life.  The Scriptures are a guide to us but they do not provide the power to overcome.  In Romans 7 Paul discusses the dilemma of a person, born again yet not walking in victory because he is trying to live by the power of the flesh.  We are not even to walk by the Ten Commandments but by the leading and the power of the Holy One within us.  The Spirit of God will direct us in the way of holiness and righteousness far more than the law and it will empower us to live in that holiness and righteousness. 

        We miss it when we try to live by our own set of morals, and find our own way but we also miss it when we are trying to follow God in the strength of our flesh.  2 Corinthians 12 Paul discusses how our weakness are opportunities for the Lord to demonstrate HIS GLORY through us that His power is manifested through our weakness.  If we had the strength to do it ourselves then God would get no glory.  He even gives us the desire to walk with Him and then empowers us to live it our.  We still must make the choice to receive His leading but no one ever regretted following God.

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