How Do You See Yourself?
August 27, 2017
We respond and react to others, and different situations according to the picture we have in our minds of our own self. All to often the picture has been painted by Satan through our life experiences and circumstances. What our parents say to us and about us has a major role in how we understand ourselves. But the picture that we are operating from is not accurate. The true picture is the way that our Heavenly Father sees us and what He says about us. Our self image comes from what the most important people say about us, our parents, our siblings, our friends and school mates, but we need to see that the only one that really matters is God and His view of us. When we know what He thinks about us then we will be bursting with confidence and self esteem.
Our God sees us as His beloved son created in His image and in His likeness. Our God sees us as extremely valuable and He demonstrated this when He sent His only begotten Son to become our sin and die in our place under the penalty of our sin. Our Father sees us as a treasure hidden in a field (the earth) that He is willing to sell all that He has to purchase our pardon. Our Father is head over heels in love with us and He proves this by training us and correcting us. Our Father thinks so much of us that He delivered us from our enemy and placed us into the kingdom of His beloved Son. He treasures us so that He has made us His temple and dwelling place, even when we do wrong. When we do wrong He is not there to condemn us, that was laid on Jesus. He is with us to show us how to get out of the mess that we got ourselves into. God sees you not as a filthy, dirty sinner saved by grace but rather as a new creation, a spotless bride adorned for her Husband.
How do you see yourself?