Satisfaction From God Alone

 August 10, 2017


        When we try to find our worth, fulfillment and satisfaction in the things of the flesh we will fail and become pawns of the enemy.  We are a spirit and only things of the Spirit of God can satisfy us.. Money, fame and fortune in themselves cannot satisfy. We were made so that only the presence of God will bring full satisfaction and fulfillment. When we try to fill our hunger for reality with the things of the world we just become more and more desparate.

        In our salvation God has made provision for our physical pain and illness as well as our emotional and mental pain and illness.  Medicating these chemically only covers the pain but it does not get rid of it.  Only God can heal. God's love is the greatest healing agent in the universe.  he dealt with all of our pain on the cross, both physically and emotionally and mentally.

        When we see ourselves as God sees us and evaluate ourselves with God's value system then we realize that our value to God is based on His love for us not on our deeds. When we see ourselves as God does, as His royal sons and daughters, then we begin to understand our inheritance. We are the joy of His heart, the object of His intense desire in all purity and holiness.  We rest in His love for us and bath in that love every day so that we are radically changed by that love. He is our satisfaction and our exceeding great reward.  Do not seek any other for the fulfillment that only God can give.

        “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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