True Repentence

September 18, 2017


        “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        The resurrection of Christ demonstrated the victory over sin and all the damage that sin had caused the human race.  By the resurrection of Christ God showed that all of our sins were forgiven, past, present and future.  It was all taken care of on the cross and sealed in Christ's resurrection victorious over death, hell and the grave.  Jesus' victory is our victory.  That is why Paul says that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  Not in those who continuously repent of their sins but those who are in Chirst Jesus.  Our salvation is because we are in Christ Jesus not because of our turning from sin.  We turn from sin or repent because we are saved not to get saved.  Our initial repentence is turning to Christ as Savior and Lord and turning from our own efforts to save ourselves.  Many do not realize this and turn the work of salvation into a works righteousness where they are trying to make themselves good enough for God to save.  At our salvation God imparted His life to us which was sinless and by the power of that life in us we are saved and by the power of that life we repent. 

        Repentence means to turn away from and to turn to somthing.  So as we come into His presence, into His glory we get a revelation of who we are and when we accept this revelation and embrace who God has made us, that is repentence.  To make repentence just talking about turning from sin is to make the truth too narrow.  You can turn from sin and not know who you are and you are turning by your own effort.  In the end you will not be successful.  Paul says we are changed, repent, from glory to glory as we behold Him in a mirror.  We see Him we see ourselves as God has made us and the truth sets us free.

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