Redeemed and Purified
“Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”
Titus 2:14 KJV
Jesus redeemed us. We could not redeem ourselves. That is why Christianity is the only way to the Father God, we cannot pay the price for our own redemption. He removed our iniquity from us by the sacrifice of Himself on the cross. He purified us. He not only paid the price for our redemption from iniquity but He has purified us from iniquity. We could not do this for ourself. We could not save ourselves and no people can but He saved us. We are His peculiar people. That is we are a special people unto our Father. We have been set aside to receive the Father's blessings. We had no part in doing any of this but the result is we are zealous for good works. Our desire for good works come out of our understanding of His love for us as He demonstrated when He redeemed us and purified us making us His special people. We do not work to gain or maintain our salvation but we do good work because we are saved!