September 9, 2017
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalms 19:14 KJV
What we think upon makes a difference in our lives as to how we act and how we treat people. Even people who are born again will act according to what they think upon constantly. If we worry and think upon situations with fear then we are not believing God for our answer. Worry is a sin. We are to believe that as we pray and turn our situation over to God that He is working on our behalf. We are then to turn our thoughts to good, positive things. If we instead focus on Luxor problem we are taking the problem out of God's hand and holding it in our own hand and we have no solution. We are believing that God really does not hear and answer our prayers. In the face of insurmountable odds we are to keep speaking the word of God and keep His word alive in our thoughts. We choose to believe that we are the sons of God and that we have God's favor. We focus our thoughts on how much God loves us and is willing to demonstrate that love just as He did when Jesus died for all of our sins on the cross. When our thinking is straight, in line with the word of God then our speaking will be in line with the word of God and our actions will reflect our thoughts. When our thoughts, meditations, and words line up with God's thoughts about us then we experience the Lord as our strength and redeemer. As our redeemer there is no judicial action that can be taken against us in Heaven because Jesus has paid the full price for our sins. What are you thinking on?