
September 8, 2017


      “For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.”‭‭ Luke‬ ‭9:56‬ ‭KJV‬

        The Ten Commandments could not save a person. If they could then Jesus need not come. To think that we are saved by grace but we keep our salvation by keeping the Ten Commandments is the same as being saved by keeping the Ten Commandments. This is our saving ourselves by doing the works of the law. In our flesh we are weak and will fail.

        Jesus came to give us new life, His life, and only by His death are we forgiven and the power of His life within us are we saved. Our minds are transformed by the revelation of His word about who we are in Christ Jesus.  In the garden of Eden, Satan attacked the identity of Adam and Eve by attacking the truth of God's love for them. In the temptation of Jesus, Satan attacked the identity of Jesus as the beloved Son of God.

      Satan attacks our identity as sons of God and causes us to doubt His love for us. Our salvation is in our sonship with God!

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