God's Plan Or Ours?
January 20, 2018
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." Romans 8:14 KJV
It is not what you that makes you spiritual, fasting, praying, reading your Bible, works of charity, but the origin of those works. Christians do a lot of good works that they say are for God but the works have their origin in the human will not in God. We can go on the street and witness or hold evangelistic crusades but if it is not God's plan for that time or place then there is no blessing. Pastors have started churches but it was not what God had for them or at that place so it did not prosper as it should. It was all carried on the backs of the Pastor and not by God's grace.
Many times God's plan and way of doing things is not our way or what we are comfortable with so we question it and back off. God blesses only His plan not our attempt to do something for God apart from God. Being led by the Spirit is not an every now and then thing but it is all the time in our life.