The Reason For Creation
When God created the universe, He created it to be ruled by man under His guidance. The whole reason for the. creation of the universe, is mankind. God desired someone who would choose to willingly accept His love. We are totally insignificant without God but with God we are the crown of creation. In the new birth, God restored to mankind our significance because he made us His temple. God is not looking for ways to reject us but to receive us. God is not looking for ways to condemn us but opportunities to save us.
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:17 KJV
God is against sin because sin will destroy us. This is why God will have to judge sin for those who have refused His love. For those who have received His love He has moved to deliver us from the power of sin by providing total forgiveness and placing His life within us as the power to overcome all sin. Our focus is not on sin and getting rid of it but on Jesus exclusively, our eyes riveted and fixed on Him who is the liberator from all sin. We died with Him, were buried and rose to newness of life with Him, a life which was tried and proven to be totally pleasing to the Father. This is the life that Jesus wants to live through you. He can only live it through you when you totally yield to Him instead of trying to please HIm by the works of own self effort. May think that you are a wimp for looking to and totally relying on the Lord but in creakily that is what you were created to do. It is pride to look to yourself and your own efforts rather than the Lord.