Sin: No More Power Over Us
February 13,, 2018
The work of redemption through Jesus Christ is finished. That means that healing is a done deal. We do not beg God to heal us because in Jesus Christ He already has healed us. We act in faith that our healing is complete and demand that the sickness leave our bodies. We build our faith through the word of God continually and act on it and we will see results. The same is true with every other part of the curse that was brought on by sin because sin has been fully dealt with in Jesus.
We have full deliverance from sin through Jesus. Sin has no dominion over us but our victory is in Jesus and in believing what He has already accomplished for us in our redemption. When we believe this, we reach out with our faith and demand the results manifest in our lives. This is the faith that pleases God, when we believe on what He has done in Jesus and expect to see it manifest in our lives. The enemy will try to keep us from believing in what God has done in manifestation of His love for us. It is a finished work and it is ours.
“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 8:31-32 KJV