Worship God!
“All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.” Psalms 22:27 KJV
Satan's ploy with Adam and Eve was to get them to worship him. When Satan approached. Jesus in the wilderness one of the temptations was to give Jesus all of the kingdoms of the earth and all their glory if Jesus would fall down and worship him. The only being worthy of any and all of our worship is Yahweh God our creator. In the book of Revelation of Jesus Christ you find the saints and angels worshipping the Father and Jesus the Son. When John tried to worship an angel, the angel rebuked him and said, "worship God only." God is worthy of all of our worship from our hearts. As we worship God we are defining in our hearts who God is, the Almighty God, the Creator and the Lover of my soul. We are to spend time every day and through out the day giving praise and thanksgiving to God. In this we are acknowledging our total dependence upon Him and His importance in our lives. If we are not taking the time to praise Him and give Him thanks through out the day then we see ourselves as too important and minimalize God. This is only pride and stinks before God. God created us to work together with Him not to work apart from Him. Apart from Him we will fail because there is no good apart from God. Worship is not just for Sunday but for every day that we live and believe. When we get to heaven we will continually worship and acknowledge God as God. Start now!