The Road to Success
February 24, 2018
God never fails. He is always successful in everything that He does. He also told us how to be successful in all that we do. He said first that we must talk like God. Our words control the paths of our lives. When what we say lines up with what we believe then what we say will come to pass, positive or negative.. We understand what God says from His word. So we are to speak the word of God and not our circumstances or experiences. Even in the face of contradictory circumstances we are to say what God says. His word says that we are healed so that is the only word that is to come out of our mouth concerning our health, by His stripe we were healed.
Secondly we are to think like God thinks. Once again God's thoughts are not our natural thoughts but He has showed them to us by His word and through out teacher, the Holy Spiirt. To think God's thoughts we do not memorize the word of God or study the word of God only but we must meditate on it until it becomes our thought. The word says that He made Him who knew no sin to become sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. As we meditate on this we begin to see ourselves without sin, Jesus bore them, and as the righteousness of God in Christ. We must know what that righteousness looks like to know what we look like. We see Jessu standing boldly before the Father at the tomb of Lazarus saying, thank you Father that you hear me always and then raising Lazarus from the dead. Thinking like God is thinking like this.
Finally we must act like God acts if we want to always succeed. God acts like what He says will come true. God acts in integrity, truthfulness in all circumstances, in love and kindness always and in justice and mercy. God raises the dead, heals the sick, sets the captive free from sin and bondage. We must act like God is real and He is all that the Bible says He is.
God moves to confirm His word, not our opinion or out ideas but His word! When we line up with His word then we will be successful. He has given us His Holy Spirit to help us. We cannot do it by ourselves but with the help of the Holy Spiriit we will succeed.