God Freely Gives. Do We Freely Receive?
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”
Romans 8:31-32 KJV
When we believe in God's love for us, this statement that Paul makes becomes real in our lives. Is God for us? Or against us? We must settle that in our hearts and in our minds. God is for us. How do we know? Because He sent His own Son to die for us. That one face proves the size of God's commitment for our good. He desires that we walk with our every need met. Jesus paid the price for our healing, our financial needs met, our peace of mind, our success in all things as we follow God. God delivered Jessu up not just for those who are saved but for all mankind that all might be saved. Nor all believe this so not everyone will be saved. God opened the door for every blessing to be freely given to us when He gave up Jesus because we are now in Jesus and He is in us. As the Father freely and liberally gave Jessu all that He asked for so we should expect the same. Jesus was on the earth only to do the will of the Father. To walk like Jesus walked that must be our focus, to live only to do the will of the Father. His will is the perfection of His love for us. Obedience is the acceptance of God's superiority in all things, He is God. So walking in obedience is walking in His love for us. There is no good outside of God but in Him there is immeasurable goodness and love. He does not love us less if we disobey, we just do not receive His goodness not because He does not offer it but because we refuse to receive it.