The Kingdom of God

 March 17, 2018


      When Adam sinned God did not curse the earth. The earth had been put under Adam's domain. Only God is good so when you turn from the only source of good rhe only thing left is a curse. Adam turned from God, the only good, and plunged the whole of his domain into a curse, the whole universe. Jesus came to deliver us from the curse and ultimately the whole universe. As Christians we are to not live under the curse but in the blessings of God. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of breaking the law of God. In Jesus all of our sins are forgiven. Jesus died as us under the penalty of the broken law being condemned by that law.

      Satan lies to and tells us that the curse is normal and what we should expect. If we believe the curse is normal, poverty, sickness and disease, sin, calamity... then we will not resist them. We will not stand in faith for our redemption and deliverance. We have to fight the thoughts that we deserve all of the bad things that can come upon us. We do deserve them BUT Jesus gave us His worthiness, His holiness, His righteousness, His favored sinless posistion before the Father.

      Our bodies are still mortal, subject to death because these bodies give us a right on this earth to carry out our assignment, to preach the gospel to those who are still in Adam to bring them into Christ, if they will believe and accpt Christ.

      The end of our salvation is when Jesus returns and we receive a body like His, a resurrection body. Until then walk by the Spirit and the word of God and preach the good news of the Kingdom.

Edgar NorrisComment