Word Growth

March 30, 2018


      “But the word of God grew and multiplied.” ‭‭Acts‬ ‭12:24‬ ‭KJV‬‬

      Personal growth will produce growth in numbers in the body of Christ as well as maturity in the believers. Personal growth comes as we meditate in the word of God so that it becomes what we think, say and do. As we become doers of the word we experience God's goodness, mercy and grace. Being a doer of the word of God is not just acting right but also walking in divine healing and Heath. Being a doer of the means walking in divine prosperity, free from the oppression and depression of the devil.

      As we become doers of the word we demonstrate kingdom life, that is Divine Life. The human heart hungers for this Divine, supernatural life. This is what we were made for. As the word of God grows in our hearts and prevails, no weapon from the enemy can prosper. We should expect victory in every area of life. We should demonstrate the God kind of love in every part of our lives. Our love has its birth in the revelation of His love for us.

      As our understanding of His love for us grows so does our love for each other and the lost grows. The word of God is an account of His love for us. When the word of God grows, multiplies an prevails it does so first in our hearts and creates the atmosphere of the kingdom in our hearts and then in our sphere of influence. This causes people to desire what we have. No one else has a revelation and manifestation of His love.

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