Our Inheritance

November 4, 2022


“And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.” ‭Acts‬ ‭20‬:‭32‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The word of His grace will build us up and open our eyes to our inheritance that we have in Christ Jesus. We must be submitted to God in order to walk in His provision. God knows the way that the universe was created to work and He willingly revealed it to us in His word. If we try to operate another way we will fail. If for instance, we walk in unforgiveness it opens the door for the enemy to torment us and create a root of bitterness within us that will destroy us and the people around us. So God says to forgive. The Old Testament did not have a very good demonstration of forgiveness but in the New Testament we have the Father sending Jesus to die for our sins in order to forgive us. So Paul says to forgive even as God in Christ has forgiven us. God’s example creates faith in our hearts to do the same. Jesus said to bless those who curse you because that is what the Father has done for us. He finds anyway to bless us without violating His word. We should be looking for any way to bless those who world curse us so God can move on their behalf and turn them to Him. God will take care of our losses from their actions. But we need to pay the price to love them, that is what God did for us. It is the law of the universe and it is who we are in Christ Jesus. It is our inheritance.

Edgar NorrisComment