Hunger and Thirsting After God

April 28, 2022

“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Righteousness is the nature of God. In Jesus He has made us righteous which means that He has made us one with Him. When you receive what God has done in Jesus and receive Him, He imparts His nature to us in the new birth. But what we have and what we walk in is two different things. When we see our desperate need for God and His righteousness, a hunger is created within us to receive God’s goodness. When we are born again we are born of His righteousness. This brings into relationship with God. Our walk with God is clouded by our flesh. This condition is remedied by our minds being transformed by the the word of God. This transformation occurs as we behold Jesus face to face. Once again we need to hunger and thirst to know more of God. God is our blessing and to walk with Him is what life all about. Everything else without God is a curse. Our confession is that we hunger and thirst for more of God’s presence.

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