The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
April 27, 2022
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”
Matthew 5:5 KJV
According to the Greek scholar, Rick Renner, the definition of meekness from the Greek is an attitude or demeanor of a person who is forbearing, patient and who is slow to respond in anger, one who remains in control of himself in the face of insults or injury. Meekness is the picture of a strong willed person who has learned to submit his will to a higher authority. He is not weak and wimpy but he is in control. “From Sparkling Gems From the Greek”, by Rick Renner, pg. 539pg. 539
Meekness is an attitude of one who is friendly, warm, forbearing, patient, kind, gentle and forgiving. “Sparkling Gems From the Greek,” by Rick Renner, pg 754
In Galatians 5 the fruit of the spirit meekness is before temperance. The difference is that temperance is the control of appetites and meekness is the control of attitudes.
We have an advantage in the New Testament over the Old Testament believers to whom Jesus was talking. As we pray in the Spirit that is in tongues long enough, our spirit will gain dominance over our mind and flesh. As we practice this long enough we become more use to our spirit being in control, submitted to our Father. Also the more that we know that our Father loves us the less influence that people have over us because we are secure in our Father’s opinion of us and others opinion does not matter as much. When they insult us or hurt us we just shrug it off.
As the meek we inherit the earth because we are looking to God and not others to make us fulfilled and to provide for our every need. When someone does hurt us we lit them know for their sake not for our sake. We walk in love and forgiveness all the time. That is meekness.