The Hope Of Glory
April 10,2022
“to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:” Colossians 1:27 KJV
The key to Christianity is the indwelling presence of God. In Jesus death, burial and resurrection and seating at the Father’s right hand, we were in Christ. He did not do this for Himself but for us. We were present with Him. He who was sinless became our sin that He might give us His righteousness. It is not by our works but by His finished word that we are reconciled to our Father God. As Christians, we once again look exactly like our Heavenly Father.
The problem is that as Christians we spend all of our time trying to become what we think God wants and that all by our own effort. Subconsciously we are trying to become and when we try we are trying to revive the old man of sin. Jesus did not come to earth to patch and fix the old man. He came to kill the old man and replace him with a new creation. We struggle and strive to act right and have the right attitude and we will never win the fight.
God calls to be the new creation that He has already created us to be. There are two sets of reality. One is the reality that was created by our experiences and it is a false illusion. It was painted by the blows and cuts of the enemy from the very beginning of our life. The other reality is what God reveals in His word about who He has made us, Christ in us.
If we use the lenses of our past reality we get a very warped view of who we are, but when we look through the lenses of the word of God we see a bride without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
God is the I Am, the ever existent one. Is the perpetual now. We are like Him though we live in time and space, our spirits are eternal. We are to live in the present as God does, not in our past, it is gone. Nor in our future it is but a fantasy. But in the present now with our God.