Faith To Receive

July 22, 2023


          Praise God for the gifts of the Spirit but the gifts of the Spirit were given to the church to heal the world, not to heal the church but to heal the unbelievers. The church is trying to be healed and ministered to by the gifts of the Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit will operate for believers who have never been taught. But God expects us to grow in faith and use our faith in the word of God to receive our healing and all of our provision from God. Many who are fighting and believing for healing are fighting an effective fight because they are fighting in the wrong realm. When we are begging and pleading with God for something that God has already done, we are in the wrong realm. They are in the sense realm not the faith realm. This is hope, not faith. Faith sees what God has done and takes it as their own.

It is like a man who is knocked overboard from a ship, in view of land, and is fighting and thrashing around, treading water hoping that the ship will come and rescue him. Soon no ship comes, he gets tired and drowns. Instead if he would put forth the effort and swim to the land, it is a struggle to swim that far but he can make it.

Instead of looking to the gifts of the Spirit to be our healing and direction, we need to build up ourselves in faith in God’s provision as revealed in the word of God. If we are in a place where the gifts are operating and we receive through the gifts, praise God. God wants us to receive our needs met every time. The gifts operate as the Spirit wills. Our faith will work every time. Everything that we would receive through the gifts of the Spirit we can receive using our faith. Using our faith we can successfully fight the good fight of faith.

“(for we walk by faith, not by sight:)”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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