God’s Requirement

August 25, 2022


“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”

‭‭Micah‬ ‭6:8‬ ‭KJV‬‬

In the Old Covenant the saints were to live by faith in the coming Messiah. They did not have the equipment to live in God’s perfection. God’s mercy was there for them. God was looking at their efforts to follow Him. God’s perfection was for them to walk in His love towards each other and towards Him.

God has provided in the New Covenant His perfection in Christ Jesus and our new birth into Him. We received His life and nature in our spirit. Our perfection is to walk in His love. He has demonstrated that love in the sacrifice of Jesus and that love sacrifice, if we will receive it, will create His love in our hearts. We walk by faith in what He has done for us and in us and as we do we will do justly, love mercy because of the great mercy that we have received and we can only do this as we walk humbly with our God. To walk humbly with our God is to acknowledge that none of our salvation is of our efforts, it is all of God. We draw on His love for us daily to freely distribute it to all those around us.

Our perfection is in Jesus, not what we do. What we do comes out of our perfection that is of Jesus.

Edgar NorrisComment