
August 6, 2022


“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” ‭‭John‬ ‭15:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

We are in Jesus by the new birth but to have a successful prayer life and partake of all that God has provided for us we must have His word abiding within us. The reason for this is that if His word in not abiding in us we will believe the lies of Satan and not receive the blessings of God.

The way that the word of God dwells within us is by us meditating on the word of God until we become established in the word. That is when it gets down in our hearts and we operate by that word regardless of our circumstances or what so called experts say. The word brings life as the revelation comes of the love that our Father has for us. Part of His word abiding in us is the assurance that we are in Jesus and we are accepted by the Father because we are in Jesus. Jesus paid the penalty for all of our sins so that the Father sees us as sinless.

Jesus did not say that our prayer life may be successful or even 99 % effective but it is to be 100% successful. For this to work we must base our prayers on the word of God. We are not to just read the word and base our prayer on a Light reading of the word but by spending time focusing on the promises. As we spend time meditating on the word, it builds faith in us to receive the promise.

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