Do Not Let Satan Steal From YoU

September 2, 2022


When we know what belongs to us and when we know our covenant with God we will be established in God’s glory. All that belongs to is guaranteed in the covenant. Jesus is the seal of the covenant. It is established and sealed by the blood of Jesus. The covenant is our established relationship with God. The covenant cannot be broken, so our relationship with God cannot be broken. God has imparted heaven to our spirits, love, joy peace, healing and prosperity. All of of this comes from our Father. All of this we expect to find in heaven and more. The spirits of rebellion are still on the earth and control the earth through the hearts of ungodly men and women. We have greater authority not over men and women but over the demon spirits who are manipulating them. Therefore we do not have to let them steal from us the good things from God. It Is only as we resist the devil that he flees. Satan does not flee just because he knows what God’s will is. He flees when a believer uses his authority to assert God’s will I in a situation.

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”‭‭ James‬ ‭4:7‬ ‭KJV

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