God’s Word is Sweet

September 28, 2022


          “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” ‭Psalm‬ ‭119:103‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        We can easily get hooked on white sugar and all we get is poor health and fat. But when we have truly tasted the word of God we find that it is sweeter than honey, sweeter than white sugar and it is healthy and does not make one physically fat. What we focus on is the direction we go. When we focus on physical sugar we will find ourselves in the desert section constantly having to fight the urge to consume much sugar which also makes our thinking dull. But if we focus on the word of God we find that our desire is for the word and the satisfaction that it brings as we feed upon it.

The word of God is the entrance into His presence. It tells us who God is and what He is like. It is a revelation of His great love for us as a Heavenly Father. Jesus said that the word of God is food for our spirit. If we are getting indigestion when we read the Bible we are reading it from the wrong perspective. The perspective is that God is love. It is His love that will transform us. When meditate on His word we are meditating on His great love for us.

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