God Does Not Change

September 6, 2022


          “For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” ‭Malachi‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        God does not change and prayer does not change God. He is just the same before you pray, when you pray, and after you pray. Prayer does not change God. Prayer changes circumstances, but prayer does not change God. He is always the same, that means He is always faithful to His word. Kenneth Hagin, Bible Faith Study Course. 

          So when we pray we are not trying to get God to change His mind. We are not trying to talk God into doing something that He is resistant to do.

          God’s word never changes. God cannot lie so His word is ever true no matter what our circumstances or what our feelings are. In standing on God’s word we are standing against the circumstances and our feelings and the opinions of others that do not know that the word of God is true to day as it was in Jesus day.

        First we must be established in the infallibility of God’s word and its reality for us today. His word is God speaking to me today and it is truth. We need to study to show ourselves approved righty dividing the word.

        Secondly, based on the word of God, we need to speak to our mountains and command them to line up with the word of God. That is if we have sown and we do not see the supply come in according to Luke 6:38 and Philippians 4:13-19 then we need to speak to the money and command it to come in Jesus name.  God is not holding back our supply but the devil is. We have authority over the devil and God will back us as we stand on the word of God. 

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