Pay the Price to Know Him
October 4, 2016
When Adam and Eve were created, they knew God. It was when they betrayed God's trust and believed Satan instead of God that they could no longer fellowship with Him intimately. So our salvation is the restoration of that place of intimacy. This restoration depends on God. We cannot generate anything that is acceptable to God. He therefore did it all in Christ Jesus. In our salvation Jesus restored our full righteousness, a righteousness that is equal to the Father's righteousness because it is the Father's righteousness. In that righteousness we have full unhindered friendly access to the Father. We must respond to this marvelous gift by believing in the Father's love for us and seeking His presence above all else. He is the wisdom of the universe. He is the only good in the universe. He is worth seeking above all else, nothing else matters. The thrills of the flesh cannot compare to the joy of knowing God. The more you get to know Him, the more fulfilled you are, the more filled with satisfaction and joy you become. It is well worth it to sacrifice everything to come to know Him.
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
John 17:3 KJV