Cleansed By God
November 30, 2016
“Again a voice came to him a second time, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy."” Acts 10:15 NASB
This was in response to God telling Peter to go to the Gentiles, a previously considered unclean, unholy, people to the Jews. God wants us to change our thinking about ourselves. We are no longer to see ourselves as unholy or unclean if we have received what Jesus did for us on the cross. If we have been born again with Him then we are holy and clean.
Salvation is a finished work that God exclusively has done. We are to believe in what He has done and receive it. We cannot save ourselves but as we believe in His finished work and expect to walk in it, resisting the devil's attempt to bring us back down to the degradation that we once were. Jesus became our holiness and our righteousness. Jesus told us that if we would continue in His word that we would be His disciple in deed and we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. The freedom has already been bought and paid for in full and it belongs to all but it takes faith to walk in it. The first step is to believe that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose on the third day. That is the package deal. The rest of the time we are discovering what is in the package, healing, peace, forgiveness, joy... God has cleansed, God has made whole, God has restored and reconciled us to Himself. Do not call God a liar by refusing to accept what He has done.