The Gift of Christmas

December 25, 2016


        In this season of Christmas, we must remember that our Father God gave the greatest gift of His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins.  Jesus became our sins and suffered separation from the Father that we would never have to be separated from our God ever again.  Jesus bore the horrors of our sin that we might know the joy of His righteous standing before the Father and the beauty of holiness..  In Jesus our salvation is complete without any help from us.  We hear the word of salvation, and it creates faith in us to receive that wonderful gift.  We can choose to not receive what God has done for us. Jesus said that those who do not want to receive this wonderful gift it is because they love their deeds of darkness more than the light. Even though it is God's desire that every one be saved, 1 Timothy 2:4, not everyone will. God will not violate our free will. 

        The gift of salvation if for the salvation of the whole man not just his spirit.  Salvation is not just going to heaven but knowing the Father intimately and Jesus intimately and personally, John 17:3. The more that we embrace and enjoy the salvation that our Father has provided for us the more glory He receives.  He came to set us free from that which would destroy us, our sins.  Sin is anything that is contrary to the God kind of love.

        In modern science one of the laws of the universe is the survival of the fittest. This is a reflection on the god of this world, Satan. The true law of the universe is the law of love and blessing, Not just you getting blessed but being a blessing. This is the freedom that God granted when He gave us the gift of Jesus.

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