You Have Been Set Free

 January 30, 2017


      God the Father so loved the world that He made His favorite Son, His only Son, to be cursed and rejected on your account that you might be restored to favor with the Father and made a son of God. God the Father brought us out from under the cruel rule of Satan and placed us under our Father's Lordship in Christ Jesus. This is not an oppressive relationship but one of blessing and favor.  God's greatest joy was to restore His creation, mankind, to fellowship with Him. Fellowship with the Father is based on our being made like Him. We originally in Adam were created like God, in His image and likeness.  But this likeness and image was marred by Adam choosing to believe Satan rather than God and sinning against God.  When we were born again, God restored His image in us and gave us His righteousness.  When Jesus paid the price for our sin He delivered us from the clutches of Satan. No matter how many curses people try to put on you, in Jesus there is nothing for the curse to lite on. But sin consciousness keeps us from walking in this truth because it causes us to look at our qualification rather than look as Jesus' qualification on our behalf.  God paid a dear price so that you could walk free from the destruction of sin and the enemy.  The world is run by the enemy so do not run with the world in their ungodly search for pleasure and pursuit of something that will stop the pain that sin and unrighteousness has inflicted upon them.  Jesus is the healing answer for all the woes that the enemy has inflicted on the human race.

        Seek then to walk in encounters with Jesus daily.

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