The Crown of Creation
October 25, 2017
Mankind is the crown of God's creation. Mankind is the reason for the creation. In the two accounts of creation the first account in Genesis 1 is the order of creation. The second account in Genesis 2 is the order of importance. It starts with the creation of man. God's greatest joy is to fellowship with the man that He made. God created us to be sons of God in Adam but Adam fell by not believing in his identity. Jesus became a man to restore our identity to us as sons of God. When we are born again we are born as babies. God wants us to grow up into full fledged sons of God, a posistion of responsibility. The model son is Jesus. In the new birth our spirits were radically transformed into His image. Then as we spend time with Him, in His presence, in adoring worship we are transformed in our souls and our actions into His image, His actions, His lifestyle.
We should learn that our Father's greatest joy is in us. He is not looking to judge us or condemn us or punish us but to delight in us as we delight in Him. This is the perspective that our Father has of us and when we understand this it changes our approach to Him. We need to keep reminding ourselves of the true nature of our Father lest we start to believe the lies that Satan told Adam and Eve. He tells us the same lie, that we God really does not love us that much. But He does and not only us but the whole human race. God is calling us and all people to come and joy in His love for us, dance with Him and drink of His goodness all the time, when we are walking upright or when we sin. His love never changes.