Faith To Receive

October 26, 2017


        “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:17‬ ‭KJV‬

        Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God.  In our prayers we need to be praying in faith in order to see results.  In order to be in faith we must hear from God.  If we are praying for somethings that is already revealed in the Bible then we can argue the case of its fulfillment.

        “Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.”  ‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:26‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        As we argue our case before the Lord we are praying before the Lord until we hear how the Lord wants to accomplish His word in the situation.  This is not just a light  waiting upon the Lord but a consecrated time of prayer.  When we hear form the Lord the we act on what we hear.  Because the Lord has spoken to us His word, it created faith within us and as we act on the faith we will receive the petition of our hearts. 

        We can be assured that healing is ours for example but until it gets down into our heart by God speaking it to us as we meditate on His word or He speaks to us in prayer as we speak to Him about the healing scriptures and about the specific situation our faith is just mental assent and will not produce.  It is when it gets into our heart by Divine revelation that it becomes faith that will produce that which it was sent to do. Meditating in the word will produce this faith that just needs then to be acted upon.  Even when we meditate on His word we still need to go to Him in prayer to ask how He wants to fulfill His word especially for another person.

        Too often in prayer we begging God, hoping that He might hear and do something on our behalf. There is no faith in this kind of prayer and it is rarely answered. 

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