God Cannot Lie
November 1, 2017
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”
Romans 3:4 KJV
We must be convinced of the truthfulness of God. What God has said that He will do, He will do it. God cannot lie. When He says that by Jesus' stripe we were healed then we are healed. If He says that we the believer will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed then we need to believe that as we act and do what the word says healing will come forth. When we are unsure and double minded that our doubts will nullify our acting.
When our symptoms or circumstances are contrary to the word of God then we must choose what the word of God says and act like it is true. Speaking like the word of God is true and acting like it is true because you believe it will bring results. You increase your faith by meditating on the word of God. If the word of God says that He supplies all of your need according to His riches in glory you look at the context and find that the church at Phillipi gave more than once. You see that if you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly but if you sow liberally you will reap liberally, so you sow in faith to the ministry God leads you to and expect God to fulfill His word to you, He cannot lie. When you read the word of God accurately and in context to understand it and then act on it you will see the results.