One With Our Father

 November 10, 2017


        One of fhe greatest realities of the Christian Faith is our oneness with our Creator.  We are totally one with Him in our Spirit because we are exactly like Him.  John 1:1 says that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  We know that the Word here is Jesus. Where it says that the word was with God, it means that Jesus and the Father were standing toe to toe, eye to eye and you could not tell any difference.  In Genesis 1: 26 God said, Let us make man in our image and in our likeness let us make him.  Once again this says that Adam was exactly like God in the orighial creation before sin entered into the earth..  In 1 John 4: 17 it says that as He (Jesus) is so are we in this world. 

        When we receive what Jesus did for us on the cross and we receive His sacrifice, we then die with Him, are buried with Him and are raised to newness of life with Him, ascend with Him and are seated at the right hand of the Father with Him.  That is the new birth.  Our salvation is because we are in Him not because of our own efforts to become or stay right with God.  We are one with Him and we do. Not lose that oneness just because we sin and give into the flesh.  Our Spirit man never changes. So we are constantly in His presence and His goodness continually brings us to repentence which is we are constantly affirming who we are by the new birth.  Sin is form the old man's resenence still in our flesh.  That is why we need to constantly confess what God has done for us in salvation and constantly affirm who God has made us.  We constantly affirm that we are one with Him.

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