The Ark of Blessing of His Presence
November 22, 2017
“And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, and to record, and to thank and praise the Lord God of Israel:”
1 Chronicles 16:4 KJV
The Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of the Lord. When Israel was losing the battle against the Philistines in Eli's day, Israel called for the Ark in order that they would win. Eli's sons were very corrupt and Israel lost the battle. When David was bringing the Ark to Jerusalem from Kirjath-jearim, 1 Chronicles 13, David put it on a wagon to transport it which the law of Moses stated this was not how the Ark was to be transported. When the Ark almost fell because the wagon hit a bump and Uzza reached out to steady it, he was struck dead. David got mad at the Lord and left the Ark at Obed Edom's house and God blessed Obed Edom which made David jealous. It is the presence of the Lord that is our blessing. We cannot walk contrary to the Lord and walk in His blessings. Today we are the Ark of the Covenant. His presence dwells within us and as Obed Edom was blessed by the presence of the Lord so are we. The more we consciously focus on His presence within us the more we will walk in His blessing. He is our exceeding great reward.
David recognized the blessing of God's presence so he set up 24 hour worship before the Ark of the Lord. His praise then should continually be on our lips along with thanksgiving for all that He has done for us.