God Inside Minded

November 25, 2017


        We need to be God inside minded.  We are not just human beings we are new creations, carriers of the God of the universe to manifest Him to the world.  We walk in this truth by faith.  Paul said that the mystery hidden from the foundation of the world, is Christ in you the hope of glory.  Christ is the anointed one and His anointing.  By Christ's presence in us we are more than conquerors even when we do not feel that way or do something wrong.  Christ's presence never leaves us but we walk by faith not sight, so we do not always feel His presence but He is there.  It is His presence that gives us the victory to walk in the ways that please Him. We are not on the earth to please ourselves but our God, our Father.

        John in 1 John 4 says that we have overcome the evil spirits of the world because greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. By the Spirit of God we are to be world changers, not by our own strength  but by His strength.  Jesus was a world changer and He dwells in us by His Spirit.  We are not to pattern our lives after the world pattern because, Satan, the god of this world has already been defeated. We are to pattern our lives after Jesus and by His Spirit within us.  As many as are led by the Spirit of God those are the sons of God. 

        Revival is the manifestation of God. God is with us and in us always. His manifestation comes as we know His presence and choose to walk in that presence.  We cultivate our sensitivity to His presence by choosing to spend quiet, private time with Him beginning with praise and thanksgiving and basking in His presence.

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