Jesus is Lord
November 30, 2017
“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,” 2 Peter 1:2 KJV
All of our salvation comes from knowing God and Jesus Christ as Lord. There is only two choices for lordship, Jesus or Satan. We were under Satan's lordship before we were saved and He is merciless and cruel. When we became a Christian by accepting what Jesus did on our behalf and we were born again, we changed lordships. Where we were once under the lordship of the destroyer we are now under the lordship of Jessus. When we think we are our own lords we are really under the lordship of he enemy.
The more you get to know God and Jesus by spending time with them the more. You walk in your freedom from the oppressor, Satan. The more that you know of the Father's love for you and Jessu' love for yo the more you are transformed into the image of Jesus and the less you bow to the lordship of Satan. He has no power over except what you give him. The more we know our God and His Son Jesus, the more we walk in His grace and peace. His peace is nothing lacking and nothing broken. The more we know Him the more wholeness we will walk in.