The Crown of God's Creation

December 24, 2017


        Mankind is the crown of God's creation. God created mankind in His image and His likeness.  Christianity is the only "religion" that holds this truth so it is the only "religion" that believes in the intrinsic value of mankind.  Even when our forefather fell into sin we still bore the image of our creator.  That is why God sent forth his Messiah, the Son of God, to redeem us.  he had to come as a total khuman, ad a baby and the place that He was born, in a cave and wrapped in swaddling clothes spoke to the reason hat He was born.  Yes we celebrate His birth only because of the significance of His life and especially of His death. 

        The wise men came from the east and proclaimed His kingship with gifts of gold, franckensense and myrrh.  His birth was proclaimed openly by angels to Levitical shepherds and the intention of God was revealed, "Peace on earth and good will toward men with who He is well pleased." The word peace means wholeness, nothing lacking, nothing broken. God spoke of a full restoration of what Adam had lost and more.  We have now been patterned after Jesus as a Son of God. Sonship under the Father was the reason for Jesus' birth as a helpless infant and His growth to full maturity as a man, 

        So with the Angels we proclaim Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men!

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