The Coming

December 25, 2017


        For four thousand years mankind awaited their redemption, the promised seed of the woman that have his heal crushed but that would crush the head of the serpent.  God spoke the birth, the ministry and the mission of the Messiah into existence by speaking through His prophets over three hundred and fifty times.  God's word does not return to Him void, without accomplishing all that He sends it forth to do.  We celebrate Christmas as the time the Word became flesh and dwelt among us to demonstrate and show us the way to salvation before becoming that door into the presence of the Fahter, pure, holy and righteous in His sight by the sacrifice of HIs Son. 

        Four thousand years since Adam threw the creation in to sin and chaos by choosing to believe the enemy but God was not deterred by Adam's treason. Instead God spoke His plan into being starting with Genesis 3:15 and throughout His written record that what He had originally spoken in Genesis 1:26, 28 would be. fulfilled, that mankind would bear the image and likeness of the Creator and walk in full sonship as the under ruler of the earth and all of creation.  God came to us through a helpless, innocent baby that carried His DNA, the absolutely perfect sacrifice, spotless and sinless in every aspect. Freely dying as that sacrifice, something that no other sacrifice every did.

        Now two thousand years later we await His second coming as He promised and God has spoken of over fifteen hundred times. The four hundred year wait for His first coming they could not comprehend where and how and neither can we comprehend His second coming but as with the first so it will be with the second, It will happen.

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