The Blessed Man
December 28, 2017
“Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.” Psalms 65:4 KJV
Everyone has the privilege of approaching God but they must receive what He has done in Christ Jesus, He is the only approach to the Father. We have been selected to dwells in the courts of the Lord but not even those who are born again avail themselves to this privilege. God is looking for those who will walk with Him daily. God has chosen us and caused us to approach Him but we can resist and count it as unimportant to come in to His presence and fellowship with Him.
The Psalmist goes on to say that all our satisfaction is found in His goodness which eminates from His presence. In Matthew 19 Jesus said that only God is good, there is no goodness aside from Him. Satan tries to convince us that there is other sources of good in the world or universe but there is none. You do not know what good is until you have tasted God's goodness. There is none to compare with it.
The invitation is open to all who will receive it to come into His presence through Jesus and dwell there. Draw me oh, Lord into your presence and your goodness!