Showing Forth His Glory

 December 30, 2017


      “so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:10‬ ‭NASB‬‬

      God works through the church, which is His body.  We are that church which God desires to manifest His power and glory to the enemy.  Then enemy has been totally defeated by Jesus on the cross and we are here on the earth to manifest that defeat to a hurting and dying world. To do this we must understand our total identity with Jesus. We, the old man of sin, were crucified with Chirst, buried and raised on the third day to newness of life.  We ascended with Him and were seated with Him at the right hand of the Father in the place of authority.  Jesus' seating and our seating with Him speaks to a finished work. Our salvation and subsequent seating in the place of authority means that our salvation and bestowed authority is a completed work. We have permanent access to the Father and His blessings.  The only thing that can stop us from receiving these blessings and place of authority is our unbelief. 

        Evil spirits headed by Satan rule this earth except where the body of Christ stands up and asserts its legal authority to counteract the enemies rule. We do this by praying and speaking truth in faith.  We have the use of the Name of Jesus at which every knee shall bow of those above the earth, in the earth and under the earth.  So when we have faith in that Name and use it we expect results and the kingdom of darkness must yield its hold.  We are coworkers with God so we do none of this independent of the leading of the Holy Spirit.  If we refuse to act, nothing gets done and darkness takes over. But God will not be defeated.

Edgar NorrisComment