By Faith and Not Sight

 February 13, 2017


      We must train ourselves to believe God's word and not to doubt.  God's word is truth but when most of us read it we question it's truthfulness. Our experiences not based on the word and our circumstances try to testify that the word of God is not true.  When we believe God's word and stand on it we many times do not see immediate results, instead we see the circumstances getting worse.  If we walk by our senses then we let our faith fail because our faith is based on what we see or feel. Our senses are strong and we must train ourselves to believe the word of God over our senses.  That means that we must make a conscious choice to act on the word instead of our feelings.

        Our feelings are a wonderful gift from God but they were never created to lead us.  Our feelings will follow our actions or our actions will follow our feelings.  When we walk by faith we will have to act contrary to our immediate feelings but our feelings will eventually will follow our actions.   

“(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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