The Excellencies of the Lord
February 20, 2016
“O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.” Psalms 8:1 KJV
This Psalm begins and ends with the same phrase. Then David talks about the excellencies of the Lord. God does everything in excellence. When you were recreated a new creature in Christ, God did it in excellence. Do not allow the world to define you as a throw away, as a piece of junk. Do not identify yourself that way either. You were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God. This is the image that you carry from the new creation, the full image of our Father, His holiness, His righteousness, His love.
Satan marred the original creation with sin as Adam and Eve disobeyed God and entered satan's realm of rebellion. But God's original purpose on man being in the image and likeness of Himself was not derailed. In Christ Jesus we were made in excellence. We start to walk in this as we begin to believe it. If we continue to look at our own efforts and failings then we believe the devil's lie that we are worthless. But if we look at what God has done inspite of our failures and sins then we will enter into the Lord's excellencies.
We were created to carry His glory and manifest His goodness. Salvation is not complete until we carry God's presence and manifest His glory where ever we go.. This is all a matter of our desire that He has placed in us and our having our eyes fixed on Him and not looking around at the fallen world. We look to His work in us and our mouth is filled with praise continually because of what He has done in us, for us and through us.