Christ Our Salvation

February 21, 2017


“For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        The forgiveness of all our sins, transgressions and  iniquities was in the death of Jesus.  Our forgiveness is Jesus hanging on the cross in our place taking our sins (actions) and our sin a (who we were) upon Himself and bearing the full penalty for those sins and siri. Jesus literally became our sin.

        We are saved by. His life.  This is not just talking about a ticket to heaven. But from the time that we receive what Jesus did, through His life in us we are being conformed to His image.  We go to heaven not because we do anything right or repent for any or all our sins but because of His life in us.  His life in us, as it gains assendency in us shapes us into His image.  If we never get shaped we will still end up in heaven but our life down here will be full of trouble.  Our works come up of His life in us not of our own effort.  Then is we fully trust and look to His life in us. We will walk in victory. in life.. We turn away from our own efforts to do right and look to Him.  Our yielding it HIm is responding to His leading so we walk by the strength and power of the Holy SpiritThe more we try to please God by our actions the less we are looking to His finished work of Grace in Chist Jesus/ Our efforts to please God by our own efforts diminish our acceptance of His finished work. 

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