
February 23, 2017


“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

        Many are trying to fight the good fight of faith from a position of mental agreement rather than true faith.  If you are not fully persuaded that what God has said in His word is truth then you have based your belief on hope so's rather than the sure foundation of the word of God.  This usually happens because we have not exposed ourselves to the word of God long enough to allow faith to come into our hearts or we have not made the decision to believe what God has said.  We must decide that the word of God is truth regardless of the situation or circumstances.  Regardless of the pain in our bodies we must stand and say that "By His stripes I WAS healed, so therefor I am healed."  Then act like it.  If we just have mental agreement and not faith we will give in to the lies of Satan that, what if it does not word and I get worse or die? When those thoughts come we must be so entrenched in the word of God and the truth of God that we reject those thoughts and even laugh at them and then act like we are healed inspite of the condition.  Only when we are convinced that what God has said is true and act on it will we see results.  If we have not seriously studied and meditated on the word of God in the area of our need then we will have no faith to receive and will be frustrated asking why God? God has already provided the answer the only problem in what we have schooled ourselves to believe.  When we believe it we will speak what we believe and act on it.  If we are doing that just because someone says this is what we should do but we do not really believe we will get no results.  The word has the inherent power to create faith in us but we must focus on the word until we see only what it says and not be moved by our circumstances.

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