Faith to Receive

 February 24, 2017


        God says that all the silver and all the gold belongs to Him, Haggai 2:8. He is the possessor of the heavens and the earth. The earth and the fullness belongs to Him.  From Matthew 7 we see that our God is a loving Father that longs to bless His children more than a natural father longs to bless his children.  God blessed Israel tremendously when they looked to Him and walked with Him.  When they chose to turn away from the Lord God to other so called gods, God had to allow them to walk in the conquences of their choice even though He wanted to bless them. 

        As we follow the principles of sowing and reaping, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:6-12 and look to God we will prosper in all that we do.  Our Father's desire is that we walk in His blessings inspite of our surrounding circumstances. God blessed Isaac with a hundred fold return on his crops in the midst of a famin. Isaac was a covenant partner with God through the covenant that Abraham had cut with God.  We are covenant partners with God through the covenant that was cut between our represenatative, Jesus and the Father.  So as we obey God we should expect to be blessed. In the midst of lack we should sow and expect a harvest.  But first of all take these two scriptures and others and meditate on them until they become real in your heart.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  As you meditate on them they will build faith in your heart and when you act on the faith you will see the results.

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