God's Word is Truth
March 26, 2017
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
John 17:17 KJV
Your estimation of the word of God will determine what you receive from it. There have been atheist who knew a lot of scripture but received no benefit from it because they did not believe that it was the word of God. You can be a practical atheist and not receive anything from the word of God. What is a practical atheist? It is someone who says yes the word of God is true and God exist but they do not act like it.. When you receive the word of God you act like it is true. The word says the by the stripe of Jesus we were healed. As we meditate on this scripture until it becomes real in our hearts then we are honoring the word of God and we are honoring God. We then choose to act on what we have hidden in our hearts, on what we believe from the word of God.
If we believe that God's word is truth then we want the word of God to govern our lives by His Spirit. We will love the word of God because it reveals the living Word of God, Jesus. We must study to rightly divide the Word of God to understand the truth there in. The word of God must be taken in context and every truth is by the mouth of two or three witnesses. We train ourselves to believe the word of God and quickly act on it when we understand a new truth from the word. We esteem the word when we spend time reading and meditating in it daily. It is our daily bread which builds us up and gives an inheritance. The word of God should be first place in our lives. When something happens we should immediately ask, what does the word say about our situation? Is God's word truth in your life?