Ask To See God's Glory!

April 12, 2017


        Moses prayed to see God's glory.  The glory of the Lord had led them out of Egypt.  The glory of the Lord descended on the tabernacle of meeting when Moses entered into it.  The glory of the Lord descended upon the mountain when Moses went up to meet with God.  But Moses asked to see the glory of the Lord. God are ended to show Moses His glory.  God said that He would make His goodness pass before Moses and declare His goodness.  God also told Moses that He could not see the fullness of His glory, His goodness and live.  So Gdo protected Moses by putting him in the cleft of the Rock and putting His hand over His face. After the glory passed God took away His hand and allowed Moses to see the hinder parts of His glory, His goodness.  When Moses came down from the mountain, his face glowed with the glory of God. Paul says that we can behold more of the glory of God than Moses and that our faces should glow with the glory of God but ours should now fade like Moses' face did.  Moses was faithful in all that Gdo told him to do.  Moses asked to see God's glory and then waited upon God until God fulfilled His request.  How bad do we want to behold the glory of the Lord? Have we asked Gdo to behold His glory?  We have a better righteousness than Moses so we should pursue His glory until we behold it and it will change us. 

        Jesus manifested the glory of God by healing the sick and casting out demons and being obedient in all that the Father told Him to do.  Jesus lived to demonstrate the glory of the Father.  So should we.

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